Thursday, February 09, 2006

Teach the kids to hug

I rarely post about current events or anything that is in the news. However, this one was too tempting.

From CNN: "First-grader suspended for sex harassment"
BROCKTON, Massachusetts. (AP) -- A 6-year-old boy is getting a lesson on the meaning of sexual harassment long before he'll be able to spell it...
There have been similar cases. In 1996, a New York second-grader was suspended for kissing a girl and ripping a button off her skirt -- an idea the boy said he got from his favorite book "Corduroy," about a bear with a missing button. Earlier that year, a Lexington, North Carolina, 6-year-old was separated from his class after kissing a classmate on the cheek.

So...I should remember to teach Luke that he may never, under any circumstances, no matter how much he wants to, hug or show affection for another child. I understand that children are maturing at rates too fast for past generations to keep up with. I also understand that the "evils" of television, internet, and music are to blame - but could this child have really wanted sex? I say teach the kids to hug.