Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Prodigal Blogger Returns

Hello again from Toledo / Ann Arbor.
Since my last post I have come to think of Toledo and Ann Arbor as a single city seperated only by a few chapters in a book on CD at 2am.
(Is anyone reading this?)
So much has happened. I think it is best to not write one long boring story, but to insert the details instead into the next few posts.
The big news making me sit at 1am and awake a sleeping blog is...
Maya is walking!
Well, kind of walking. She took three steps yesterday-right into my arms as she was holding a book of puppies that she apparently had decided I must read to her at that exact moment.
I am very proud.
I hope that you will read this blog again, I look forward to continuing it. I want to rant and rave about why I stopped writing for so long, but that is a different post for a different day.
For now - I am tired - and glad to be writing again.