Sunday, August 27, 2006


It's official - I finally wrote a poem, breaking what ended up being a 5 year dry spell. The last poem I wrote was shortly after September 11, 2001 and became the final piece in my senior thesis. Soon after that poem Luke was born and I decided that my next would have to be about him. Unfortunately, I had a really hard time grasping how much he was changing my life (do new parents ever know how much children change everything?). The idea that I refused to write a poem until I finished one for him became a sort of game in my head which evolved into a self-inflicted writer's block.
The poem is titled "light". I need to revise it a bit, but I am happy to say that now I feel a weight lifted from me and I see the world in a familiar way again. I think I should work on Maya's poem right away so that I don't wait until she is 5...