Saturday, December 17, 2005

Slow Night at 31 Hundred

There is no predicting what a waiter will do on a slow night...I guess we have a new mascot at work.
(sorry the picture quality is so poor - I only had my friend's phone /camera to work with)

Early mornings

Up and out the door by 6am. 9 years in NW Ohio and I'm still not used to this cold.
We had Stephanie's boy, Nolan (5 weeks older than Maya), last night. It was fun - but I take back everything I ever said about wanting twins. At one point I had both babies crying and I was trying to figure out how to hold them both at the same time to calm them. I gave up right as Courtney came around the corner after putting Luke to bed. Good timing!
Tonight is a much needed Date night. Elle and Ed are watching Luke and Maya for a few hours so Court and I can go out to dinner. We realized how long it's been since we went out alone. Most of our "alone time" is spent when both kids are sleeping - and that usually includes one of them sleeping on or next to us. By nightfall we are both so tired that our normal time together involves one of us passing out in the middle of a tv show or movie. Perhaps tonight we can sneak a few moments of adult conversation without interuption.
I have been distracted by our snow as of late. Here is a good website if you are bored: